GACO Liquid Tape 1 Gallon

GACO Western



LiquidRoofTape is a thick, high-build, rubber-like liquid consisting of 100% silicone and microfibers. The unique properties allow it to replace traditional rubber and mesh seam tapes when used in conjunction with GacoRoof 100% Silicone Roof Coating. LiquidRoofTape will fill cracks, voids and depressions; reinforce joints, seams, penetrations and transitions; and completely encapsulate fasteners and protrusions.

LiquidRoofTape will exhibit resistance to wear under light foot traffic. It is light gray in color, making it distinguishable from silicone top coatings.

Call our HELPLINE, 866-422-6489, weekdays, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CST.


STRENGTHENED WITH MICROFIBERS. LiquidRoofTape is the ultimate 100% silicone liquid roof seam tape reinforced with microfibers.

EXCEPTIONAL COVERAGE. LiquidRoofTape provides protection against light foot traffic during periodic maintenance.

INNOVATIVE ROOF TAPE TECHNOLOGY. As part of an integrated system, applying LiquidRoofTape to joints, flashings, small cracks and uneven surfaces, will create a seamless membrane to apply a top coat of GacoRoof 100% Silicone Roof Coating.

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